So - let us be about it, hero.

O'ivur Hee


General Info

  • NAME: O'ivur Hee

  • RACE: Miqo'te | Seeker of the Sun

  • GENDER: Little Guy (He/Him)


  • NAMEDAY: 26th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon

  • AGE: 23 years old

  • HEIGHT: 5'2" / 157.48 cm

  • SERVER: Aether | Sargatanas

  • RESIDENCY: The Goblet, W19, Apartment #1 (Sultana's Breath) & Empyreum, W23, Plot 49


  • GUARDIAN: Rhalgr, the Destroyer


  • OTHER JOBS: Warrior, Samurai, Dancer, Botanist

  • OFFICAL TITLES: Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, Ala Mhigan Liberation Leader

  • BIRTHPLACE: Ala Mhigo

  • GRAND COMPANY: Immortal Flames




O'ivur's disposition can be most accurately compared to sunshine in a bottle. He's a natural optimist and brings warmth into the lives of the many people he encounters as a Warrior of Light. Being a Seeker miqo, O'ivur feels the most energized when the sun is shining and the sky is free of clouds. He often acts boisterous and playful towards others, causing him to come off a bit childish to those who haven't gotten to know him well enough yet.Due to his upbringing, O'ivur possesses a strong sense of community and values comradery over independence. Despite this, O'ivur also began to develop a tendency to "suffer in silence" at an early age; one could never imagine the pain, frustration, and anger he has felt in private due to the seemingly indefinite smile plastered on his face. Once he joined forces with the Scions of the 7th Dawn, O'ivur began to learn the importance of relying on allies for support when necessary - whether the need be practical or emotional.


It takes a village...One summer evening, in the dead of night, a young miqo'te couple gave birth to a baby boy in the sands that bordered Loch Seld. While the couple had been anticipating the birth of their child, they saw no future in which they were fit to raise one. With little means but many hopes for their newborn son, the couple snuck to the gates of the nearby Ala Mhigan Quarter and placed the child in an area where a guard might easily be able to find him. With tears in their eyes and their heads hung low, the father wrapped his arms around the mother and quietly lead them both away into the night.The next day, an emergency board meeting was called as the Ala Mhigan council tried to make sense of the abandonded miqo'te child that was found outside their city-state. One of the members of the council proposed an interesting solution to the problem: because the city did not have the time or resources to locate the child's birth parents, it was suggested that willing members of the community could take turns raising and hosting the child in their homes until he was old enough to care for himself. Not a single other board member was able to come up with an alternative solution during the course of the meeting, so the council voted unanimously to approve the motion. Shortly afterward, the government issued a call for volunteers in the community to foster the child temporarily.After the first family cared for their new miqo'te son for a few months, they were asked by the next volunteers if they had given thought to what the boy's name should be. Without skipping a beat, the mother of the first family stated, "He feels like an O'ivur to me. He can be a bit of a handful, but when you put him to sleep... he's so peaceful. Like the extension of an olive branch." From that moment on, each family that the child stayed with knew him by that name.O'ivur grew to be an overall happy and carefree child under the care of his community, despite a small feeling of abandonment than began to occupy his subconscious mind. He enjoyed playing with the other Ala Mhigan children, though some were known to poke fun at his "stray cat" reputation. When this would occur, O'ivur would simply beam at the other kids and say, "Well, I think I'm lucky! Most people only have one family, but I have tons!" He continued to comfort himself with this fact well into his adolescence. It was then, however, that the Garlean Empire seized control of Ala Mhigo.Unfortunately, many of the people whom once cared for O'ivur were caught in the crossfire of the resistance efforts when the Empire began their strike. While some perished, others were forced to evacuate their homes and make long treks across the continent to establish smaller, less robust settlements in an effort avoid the Garlean regime. O'ivur, in the chaos of it all, was shuffled into such a settlement outside of Ul'dah - a "Little" Ala Mhigo. Once settled, O'ivur's grief and anger from the events prior grew into a hatred for everything the Garlean Empire represented. He could not be content "surviving" in Little Ala Mhigo while his enemy was still out there, lavishing in everything they stole from his community. From that moment forward, O'ivur decided that he had to get stronger. Strong enough to defeat the Garlean Empire; strong enough to protect the members of his community that yet lived. It was at this point that he threw himself into his training as a monk (customary of an Ala Mhigan) and simultaneously began his career as an adventurer.One fateful day, while working in Ul'dah, O'ivur encountered a handsome stranger by the name of Thancred. Little did he know that, upon this chance meeting, the course of his life would change drastically. Soon after, O'ivur became acquainted with the collective known as the Scions of the 7th Dawn. In fact, he even gained some knowledge about a mysterious phenomenon he began experiencing shortly after taking up his adventurer role - "The Echo." Minfilia, the group's acting leader, also experienced the headaches and visions that O'ivur recently developed and was able to provide guidance and support on the matter. O'ivur quickly realized how special the Scions were... and they also seemed to find him special. As their journey continued, O'ivur began to feel as though he had found yet another family to add to his collection. And thus, the Warrior of Light was born.


Valentine Andromeda (carrd)

O'ivur first entered the city of Ishgard on business as a Warrior of Light. It was there that he encountered a fellow miqo'te adventurer by the name of Valentine Andromeda. While O'ivur had met many other miqo'te after being forced out of Ala Mhigo, none quite intrigued him as much as Valentine. What's up with that name? Where did he come from? What does he do for work? Does he like me? - All of the questions bouncing around in O'ivur's head would soon be answered. The two of them found that, while they had been raised in vastly different climates and social standings, their backgrounds were eerily similar. Both had been left by their birth parents and adopted by members of their local communities; both possessed the power of the Echo and started having visions around the same time. More importantly, as Valentine showed O'ivur around his city, they both soon discovered how absolutely smitten they were becoming with one another.O'ivur was a bit too eager to ask his shy travel companion to be his partner - they had only known each other for a couple weeks at this point. But he was pleasantly surprised at how quickly Valentine accepted. With bright red cheeks and eyes squeezed shut, Valentine pulled at the bottom of his coat and nodded quickly at O'ivur's offer. The two have been inseperable ever since.

Aymeric de Borel

Not everyone in the frigid, looming city of Ishgard welcomed O'ivur with open arms, but he was used to being treated like that by the Ul'dahn elites. The man he expected to have the least time to spare for him, however, was the one who took the most interest in getting to know him: the Lord Commander. After a few conversations with Ser Aymeric, O'ivur was able to deduce that his intimidating political stature did not define who he was as a person. Rather, he found Aymeric to be quite charming... perhaps even somewhat alluring. Add a lavish banquet to the equation, and O'ivur pretty much instantly fell in love with the elezen nobleman. After the tragedies that unfolded during the Dragonsong War, O'ivur and Valentine were able to support Aymeric during their time of shared grieving. Their relationship grew ever stronger, and he and Valentine eventually asked him to join them in their loving relationship. Aymeric happily accepted and has been committed to the two miqo'te ever since.

Lyse Hext

Whether too much time had passed, or whether they had simply crossed paths too few times in childhood, O'ivur did not recognize Lyse when he first encountered her as the Scion masquerading as Yda. Once he was able to learn about their similarities and shared goals, however, he became a fast friend to her and often joined her in teasing Papalymo. At the height of the Ala Mhigan revolution, O'ivur experienced a moment of reflection at how far Lyse had developed from being the ditzy and carefree woman he first met. Being able to watch her grow into the proud resistance leader that she would become made him elated - not only for her, but for his home. Ala Mhigo was in great hands.O'ivur now considers Lyse somewhat of a sister and loves to spar with her any chance he can get. They're both Fists of Rhalgr, after all!

Other Important Relationships

The Scions... O'ivur has formed a close relationship with each and every member of the Scions of the 7th Dawn. Each person is part of a true found family for him, and one which he has readily welcomed after the amount of family members he has lost to the Empire. Even the members of the Scions who have since passed live on in his heart and memories. He regularly tries to commemorate those that have fallen in any way he can.Aguri... She was the reserved auri woman that O'ivur instantly gravitated towards and wished to befriend. Upon first meeting, he could sense that Aguri had been deeply hurt by others before, which activated in him an instinctive desire to help her heal. Aguri fondly regards O'ivur now, but it took a while for her to get used to his overwhelming positive energy. Getting Aguri to open up wasn't easy, but O'ivur is always up for a challenge. (carrd)Ardbert... When Ardbert first appeared as an antagonist with his "Warriors of Darkness," O'ivur sensed a strange kinship with him that he could not ignore. Thus, when Ardbert's true intentions were revealed, O'ivur breathed a sigh of relief in knowing that he was not a poor judge of character. As O'ivur would eventually become a Warrior of Darkness himself, his connection to Ardbert only grew stronger while they were connected in body and spirit. After the events that transpired in the First, O'ivur would eventually pick up Warrior as a secondary job in honor of his brother and soulmate.


Fun Facts

  • Illiterate... because of his unstable upbringing, O'ivur never attended school. When he first joined the Scions, Urianger picked up the mantle and slowly began teaching him how to read and write.

  • Botanist... originally, O'ivur picked up the job of botanist to gather ingredients for Valentine to use when baking. Due to his outdoorsy nature and survival instincts, however, he fell in love with the job and now gathers in his spare time!

  • Terrible sense of direction... he gets lost pretty much any time he travels. Luckily, he has a friendly enough disposition to befriend locals and ask for directions.

  • Amazing triple triad player... somehow, he always wins by picking the cards with the prettiest pictures! (he doesn't actually know the rules of the game)

  • Carnivorous tendencies... this boy loves his meats. I would say meat makes up about 90% of his diet.

  • Favorite emote... /eategg. I joke around with my friends that O'ivur lays the eggs himself.


If you'd like to hear a collection of songs that remind me of O'ivur, click here ! (spotify)Themes: Youth, Identity Crisis, Fighting, Liberation, Love

About The Player

Alex/Imp | 26 | they/them
◆ Aether - Sargatanas ◆
RP OK!! (SFW only)
Hello there, and welcome to my WOL's carrd! O'ivur is the only one of my FFXIV OCs that I would consider my canon WOL, and he's also the one with the most fleshed-out lore! I didn't follow any official timelines created for FFXIV when writing up his lore, but I care a great deal about him and his journey so far. It makes me happy to hear when others say that they do too ♥I recently started dipping my toes back into roleplaying; it's a hobby that I engaged in a lot as a teen, but I am only just now reconnecting with it! As of right now, I prefer my in-character interactions to be more casual and out-in-the-wild, rather than organized and scheduled. That being said, if you're interested in RPing with O'ivur, feel free to walk up in-character or even shoot me a /tell in-game if you see me! I love meeting new people and making new friends in game, whether it be within the context of roleplay or otherwise.Have a lovely rest of your stay here~TWITTER: @ffxiv_imp